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​Journal Articles

  • Briggs, T. and Girard, C. D. Tools and Techniques for Test-Driven Learning in CS1. J. Computing Sciences in Colleges, Volume 22, Number 3 (Jan. 2007), pp. 37-43.

  • Briggs, T. Techniques for Active Learning in CS Courses, J. Computing Sciences in Colleges, Volume 21, Number 2 (Dec. 2005), pp. 156-165.



Refereed Conference Papers​

This section lists work that was published in conference proceedings which use a peer-review system to approve submitted work. While this may not be typical for all disciplines, it is the norm in Computer Science and Engineering. Further, because of the rapid progress of technology, conference proceedings are often more important for our discipline than journal articles.


  • Briggs, T., Peng, Y., Property Constraint Generation. In Proceedings of PACISE 2015, April 11, 2015.

  • Briggs, T. Reconfigurable Computing. In Proceedings of 2011 PACISE Conference, April 2, 2011.

  • Wellington, C., Briggs, T., Girard, C.D., Experiences Using Automated Tests and Test Driven Development in Computer Science I. In Proceedings of AGILE 2007, p. 106-112, August 13-17, 2007.

  • Carol Wellington, Thomas Briggs, C. Dudley Girard, The Impact of Agility on a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science,AGILE, pp. 400-404, AGILE 2006 (AGILE'06), 2006

  • Wellington, C. A., Briggs, T., and Girard, C. D. 2005. Examining team cohesion as an effect of software engineering methodology. In Proceedings of the 2005 Workshop on Human and Social Factors of Software Engineering (St. Louis, Missouri, May 16 - 16, 2005). HSSE '05. ACM Press, New York, NY, 1-5.

  • Wellington, C., Briggs, T., Girard, D., Comparison of Student Experiences with Plan-Driven and Agile Methodologies. In proceedings of the 20th Frontiers in Education Conference, 2005. Indianapolis, IN. IEEE Press, ISBN: 0-7803-9077-6.

  • Briggs, T., Oates, T. Discovering Domain Specific Composite Kernels, In Proceedings of the Twentieth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the Seventeenth Annual Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial intelligence, 732-739. Menlo Park, Calif.: AAAI Press. (Acceptance rate: 17%)

  • Wellington, C., Briggs, T., Girard, C. D., Examining Team Cohesion as an Effect of Software Engineering Methodology, Human and Social Factors of Software Engineering workshop, 27th international conference on Software Engineering, May 16, 2005

  • Briggs, T., Experiences with Active and Collaborative Learning, In Proceedings of Pennsylvania Computer and Information Systems Educators (PACISE) 2005, Bloomsburg, PA

  • Briggs, T., WebAdmin Voyager User's Group Meeting, Chicago, IL. April 1999

  • Briggs, T., Adrian and Beyond: Solaris Performance, Monitoring, and Tuning, Presenter at Voyager User's Group Meeting Chicago, IL. April 1999

  • Anderson, S., Briggs, T. Coping with Consortiums and Sharing Electronic Resources: Academic Case Studies Coauthor at Computers in Libraries Conference, Washington, DC. March 1999

Refereed Conference Presentations

This section lists work that was presented at conferences which use a peer-review system to approve submitted work. While this may not be typical for all disciplines, it is the norm in Computer Science and Engineering.


  • Garrett, T., Good, J., Kinna, D., Kuhn, J., Walthers, L., Wallenmeyer, O., Zimmerman, M.}, Briggs, T. Developing and Designing an Actigraph for Mosquito Activity Monitoring, PACISE 2016, April 2, 2016, Kutztown, PA

  • Knoll, J., Walthers, L., White, J., Briggs, T. Bluetooth Controlled Smart Outlet, PACISE 2016, April 2, 2016, Kutztown, PA

  • Culver, J., Keller, S., Kuhn, J., Briggs, T. Bluetooth Door Lock, PACISE 2016, April 2, 2016, Kutztown, PA

  • Garrett, T., Jeffry, C., Kinna, D., Briggs, T., Lee, S., Cornnell, S., Design, Development and Implementation of Water Quality Sensors for Real-Time Data Collection / Observation of Global Climate Change, PACISE 2016, April 2, 2016, Kutztown, PA

  • Zimmerman, M,. Good, J., Briggs, T. Fabrication of Sensorless BLDC Motor Controller, PACISE 2016, April 2, 2016, Kutztown, PA

  • Dalious, T., Garrett, T., Jeffery, C., Briggs, T., Water Quality Sensors, CCSE 2015, April 18, 2015, Worcester, MA

  • Briggs, T., Peng, Y. Property Constraint Generation. PACISE 2015, April 11, 2015, Edinboro, PA

  • Dalious, T., Garrett, T., Jeffery, C., Briggs, T., Water Quality Sensors, PACISE 2015, April 11, 2015, Edinboro, PA

  • Briggs, T. Reconfigurable Computing, PACISE 2011, Shippensburg University, April 2011, Shippensburg, PA.

  • Briggs, T., Experiences with Active and Collaborative Learning, Pennsylvania Computer and Information Systems Educators (PACISE) Regional Conference, 2005, Bloomsburg, PA

  • Briggs, T. Techniques for Active Learning in CS Courses, Presented to the Eastern Conference of the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges (CCSCE 2005), October 11, 2005, New Rochelle, NY.

  • Briggs, T., Oates, T. Discovering Domain Specific Composite Kernels, Presentation to the Twentieth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-05), July 11, 2005, Pittsburgh, PA.

  • Huffnagle, M., Briggs, T. Primality Testing, Proceedings of Pennsylvania Computer and Information System Educators (PACISE) 2004, California, PA

Sponsored Student Presentations

  • Garrett, T., Good, J., Kinna, D., Kuhn, J., Walthers, L., Wallenmeyer, O., Zimmerman, M., Briggs, T. Developing and Designing an Actigraph for Mosquito Activity Monitoring, Minds@Work, April 19, 2016, Shippensburg, PA

  • Knoll, J., Walthers, L., White, J., Briggs, T. Bluetooth Controlled Smart Outlet, Minds@Work, April 19, 2016, Shippensburg, PA

  • Culver, J, Keller, S., Kuhn, J., Briggs, T. Bluetooth Door Lock, Minds@Work, April 19, 2016, Shippensburg, PA

  • Garrett, T., Jeffry, C., Kinna, D., Briggs, T., Lee, S., Cornnell, S., Design, Development and Implementation of Water Quality Sensors for Real-Time Data Collection / Observation of Global Climate Change, Minds@Work, April 19, 2016, Shippensburg, PA

  • Zimmerman, M., Good, J., Briggs, T. Fabrication of Sensorless BLDC Motor Controller, Minds@Work, April 19, 2016, Shippensburg, PA

  • Dalious, T, Garrett, T., Jeffery, C., Briggs, T., Water Quality Sensors, Minds@Work, April 29, 2015, Shippensburg, PA

  • Schreiber, T., Lacroce, N., Briggs, T., FlyEye Project, Minds@Work, April 29, 2015, Shippensburg, PA

  • DiDomenico, M., Briggs, T. Wireless Sensor Networks for Infrastructure Monitoring, Minds@Work, April 19, 2012, Shippensburg, PA

  • Devage, J., Briggs, T. Real-Time Procedural Generation of Geographically Fitting Cities}, 9th Annual Student Research Symposium, Saint Joseph's University, April 2008, Philadelphia, PA.

  • Gibson, W., Briggs, T. Adapting the Entropy Gathering Daemon for Java, 9th Annual Student Research Symposium, Saint Joseph's University, April 2008, Philadelphia, PA.

  • Gilbert, M., Briggs, T. Solving the Pole-Cart Problem in Real-Time, 9th Annual Student Research Symposium, Saint Joseph's University, April 2008, Philadelphia, PA.

  • Wilson, B, Briggs, T. Predicting Code Fragility using Software Metrics, 9th Annual Student Research Symposium, Saint Joseph's University, April 2008, Philadelphia, PA.

  • Hess, R., Briggs, T. , Wireless Network Security, 6th Annual Student Research Symposium sponsored by Sigma Xi at Saint Joseph's University, April 2005, Philadelphia, PA.

  • McBeth, S., Briggs, T., Optical Illusions in Computer Graphics, 6th Annual Student Research Symposium sponsored by Sigma Xi at Saint Joseph's University, April 2005, Philadelphia, PA.​​



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