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​Invited Speakerships


  • Briggs, T., Create B.S. in Civil  Engineering, PASSHE Board of Governor's Quarterly Meeting, April 2017

  • Briggs, T., Create B.S. in Mechanical  Engineering, PASSHE Board of Governor's Quarterly Meeting, April 2017

  • Garrett, T., Briggs. T., Water Quality Sensors for Real-Time Data Collection, PASSHE Advocacy Days at State Capitol, April 5, 2016, Harrisburg, PA

  • Zimmerman, M., Briggs. T., Mosquito Actigraph, PASSHE Advocacy Days at State Capitol, April 5, 2016, Harrisburg, PA

  • Briggs, T., Engineering Update, Shippensburg University Foundation Board, June 4, 2015

  • Wellington, C., Briggs, T., Create B.S. in Electrical Engineering, PASSHE Board of Governor's Quarterly Meeting, October 8, 2014.

  • Briggs, T., Wellington, C., Lee, S. Creation of Electrical Engineering, Shippensburg University Board of Trustees, September 5, 2014
  • Briggs, T., Cryptography and Security, STEM:CSI Camp, Shippensburg University, Shippensburg, PA, July 10, 2014

  • Wellington, C., Briggs, T., et. al Proposal to Create B.S. in Software Engineering, PASSHE Board of Governor's Quarterly Meeting, April 4, 2012.

  • Briggs, T., Wellington C, et. al, Proposal to Create B.S. in Computer Engineering, PASSHE Board of Governor's Quarterly Meeting, April 6, 2011.

  • Briggs, T., Tech Talks - AFS, VPN, and RequestTracker, Women in Computer Science (WICS) video series, Fall 2011, Shippensburg, PA

  • Briggs, T., Tech Talks - Virtual Machines, Women in Computer Science (WICS) video series, Fall 2011, Shippensburg, PA

  • Briggs, T., Tech Talks - Google Apps, Women in Computer Science (WICS) video series, Fall 2011, Shippensburg, PA

  • Briggs, T., Tech Talks - Eclipse, Women in Computer Science (WICS) video series, Fall 2011, Shippensburg, PA

  • Briggs, T., Tech Talks - UNIX/Linux Command Line, Women in Computer Science (WICS) video series, Fall 2011, Shippensburg, PA

  • Briggs, T., Tech Talks - Two Useful Eclipse Plugins, Women in Computer Science (WICS) video series, Fall 2011, Shippensburg, PA

  • Briggs, T., Tech Talks - Running Graphics Applications Over a Network, Women in Computer Science (WICS) video series, Fall 2011, Shippensburg, PA

  • Briggs, T., Tech Talks - Typesetting with LaTeX, Women in Computer Science (WICS) video series, Fall 2011, Shippensburg, PA

  • Clarke, B., Nowell, S., Yackovich, J., and Briggs, T. GPS Campus Tour, PASSHE Board of Governors, Spring 2008

  • Clarke, B., Nowell, S., Yackovich, J., and Briggs, T. GPS Campus Tour, SU Board of Trustees, Spring 2008

  • Clarke, B., Nowell, S., Yackovich, J., and Briggs, T. GPS Campus Tour, SU President's Cabinet, Spring 2008

  • Briggs, T., Taking Responsibility: Providing Authenticated Remote Web Access to Copyrighted Material ALA Annual Conference San Francisco, CA. June 1997

  • Briggs, T., Willow: Technical Overview PALS Technical Conference St. Paul, MN. April 1996

  • Briggs, T., PALS Interface for Willow PALS World-wide User's Group Conference San Antonio, TX. January 1995

  • \subsection*{Directed Research}

  • Underlined names are undergraduates who participated in the project. Resulted in at least a paper and poster presentation within department.


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